BORNLESS ONES producer-actor Devin Goodsell and actor Mark Furze will introduce and participate in a brief Q&A after the 7:30 PM screening at the Monica Film Center on Saturday, February 11th.
by Lamb L.
BORNLESS ONES producer-actor Devin Goodsell and actor Mark Furze will introduce and participate in a brief Q&A after the 7:30 PM screening at the Monica Film Center on Saturday, February 11th.
by Lamb L.
1 NIGHT writer-director Minhal Baig and actors Justin Chatwin and Kyle Allen will participate in a Q&A after the 7:30 PM screening at the Monica Film Center on Friday, February 10th.
by Lamb L.
THE FREEDOM TO MARRY director Eddie Rosenstein and subject Evan Wolfson will participate in Q&A’s at the Monica Film Center after the 7:50 PM screenings on Friday and Saturday, March 10 and 11, and after the 3:10 show on Sunday, March 12.
by Lamb L.
I AM MICHAEL writer-director Justin Kelly will participate in Q&A’s after the 7:10 PM screening at the Monica Film Center on Friday, January 27. Benoit Denizet Lewis, the author of the story upon which the film is based, will interview him.
by Lamb L.
It’s time for our annual Predict the Oscars Contest! The person who most accurately predicts the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science’s choices in all 24 categories, from the shorts to Best Motion Picture, will win fabulous prizes (free movies and concessions at Laemmle)!
First place wins a Laemmle Premiere Card worth $150. Second place wins a Laemmle Premiere Card worth $100. Third place wins a Laemmle Premiere Card worth $50. Entries are due by 10AM the morning of the awards ceremony on February 26th.
Not sure what a Laemmle Premiere Card is? Think of it like a prepaid gift card for yourself! Use it to pay for movie tickets and concessions. Plus, Premiere Card holders receive $2 off movie tickets and 20% off concessions. To find out more, visit
We’ve got some smart cookies for customers so we have a tie-breaker question: you also have to guess the show’s running time. Take the tie-breaker seriously! Last year, the running time question broke a tie between five entrants who correctly predicted 19 out of 24 categories!
We’ll announce the winners right here on our blog by March 1st. Good luck!
by Lamb L.
A real life 19th century American western adventure story, CARVALHO’S JOURNEY tells the extraordinary story of Solomon Nunes Carvalho (1815-1897), an observant Sephardic Jew born in Charleston, South Carolina, and his life as a groundbreaking photographer, artist and pioneer in American history. We’re screening it this Monday, January 30 at 7:30 PM and Tuesday, January 31 at 1 PM at the Claremont 5, Playhouse 7, Fine Arts, Town Center 5 and Monica Film Center as part of our ongoing Culture Vulture series.
Daguerreotypist Robert Shlaer is featured in CARVALHO’S JOURNEY as an interviewee and also on location, re-creating daguerreotypes along the route Carvalho traveled in 1853. He will participate in Q&A’s after the Pasadena screening on Monday night and the Beverly Hills screening on Tuesday afternoon. Filmmaker Steve Rivo will participate in Q&A’s after the Beverly Hills screening on Monday night and after the Encino screening on Tuesday afternoon.
“Today, Rivo makes his own movies. He’s founder and owner of Down Low Pictures, an independent documentary production company based in Brooklyn. When he was offered a project about the painter and daguerreotypist Solomon Carvalho, a Sephardic Jew from Charleston, South Carolina, who accompanied legendary explorer John Fremont on his 1853 Fifth Western Expedition, the story’s resemblance to “The Frisco Kid” helped win him over.
“He talked about the resulting documentary, CARVALHO’S JOURNEY, on the phone from his studio in New York.”
Q. Did repeated viewings of “The Frisco Kid” give you an insight into Carvalho’s story?
A. That was kind of my only frame of reference. The comedic situations involved in having a rube on the trail, and not just any rube, but a classically Jewish character who has Jewish anxieties. Those elements of the Carvalho story were fun to play with. He was an observant Jew, so he couldn’t eat certain foods even when they were starving. And he wasn’t good at a lot of outdoorsy stuff like the rest of the party. He was a 38-year-old city slicker artistic type.
Q. The hardships of his trip were not so funny, though. More like “The Revenant.”
A. It is always surprising how physically difficult, challenging, and a little bit crazy it would be to get in a wagon and try to cross the country in the middle of winter. It’s inconceivable to us today. We get on an airplane and complain.
Q. What do you think viewers will take away from this film other than a new appreciation for air travel?
A. There are a lot of different things people have responded to — American Jewish history, Western expansion, the birth of photography, and a personal story of an artist. What attracted me was that it was a little bit of biography, but it was also kind of a travel story, and an adventure story through which you could talk about other things, the experience of outsiders in American culture. It’s a film about someone we didn’t know anything about.
Q. I understand you just finished a 10-part series for the True TV network on Hollywood comedies. Did you get to include “The Frisco Kid?”
A. I jokingly raised the possibility, but so few people have seen that movie. It’s the Solomon Carvalho of Jewish Western comedies.
by Lamb L.
Join us at the Monica Film Center on Sunday, February 5, 2017 for Sol-LA Variations, LAEMMLE LIVE’s second concert featuring the scholarship winning George Magub String Quartet from Santa Monica-based Sol-La Music Academy, Margaret Lysy, Director. The program will include Debussy and improv with guest violinist Connor Vance from acclaimed roots band, Dustbowl Revival. Also included will be a special performance by Sol-La student, Isolde Fair, who has gained national attention for All the Little Girls, an original song she wrote using words from Hillary Clinton’s concession speech. Join us for our unique interactive musical adventure.
Sol-La Music Academy is a non-profit music school in Santa Monica, providing high quality performing arts education to students from all backgrounds and economic circumstances. Their program reflects the belief that vibrant cultural education nurtures all areas of learning, connects diverse societies and enhances enjoyment of life.
RSVP using Eventbrite
This is a Free Event!
Sunday, February 5, 2017
11:00 AM
Monica Film Center
by Lamb L.
MR. GAGA director Tomer Heymann will participate in Q&A’s after the 7:20pm screenings at the Monica Film Center Friday, Feb 10 and Saturday, Feb 11; and after the 1:10pm screening on Saturday, Feb 11 at the Playhouse.