BEING CHARLIE director Rob Reiner and his son, co-screenwriter Nick Reiner, will participate in Q&A’s following the 7:10 PM screening at the Ahrya Fine Arts in Beverly Hills on Saturday, May 7th and after the 4:30 PM screening at the Town Center in Encino on Sunday, May 8th.
The Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival Honors Laemmle Theatres at the May 18 Opening Night Gala
On Thursday, May 19 Laemmle family matriarch Alyse Laemmle will turn 100 years old! Coincidentally, the night before is the opening night gala of the L.A. Jewish Film Festival at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, where Bob and Greg Laemmle will accept an honor on behalf of the company founded in 1938 by Max — Bob’s father, Greg’s grandfather — and Max’s brother Kurt. The ceremony comes after the red carpet and reception and before a screening from the thrilling Israeli spy series False Flag. Join us! You can buy tickets here.
The statement from the LAJFF Executive Director Hilary Helstein:
“The Laemmle Theaters has been a valued partner of the L.A. Jewish Film Festival since our inaugural year in 2006. You have helped us grow in size and scope and we are grateful for your continued support over these early years. Our mission has always been to use film as a way to educate and build community; to build a sustainable cultural arts program of “Jewish” cinema to engage the Jewish community, but more importantly reach the greater LA community and engage in a multicultural dialogue. The Laemmle Theaters has continually helped us to achieve our goals each year.
“As a four-generation family business, Laemmle has established an empire of successful theaters and built something unique in the greater Los Angeles region. The L.A. community has come to rely on Laemmle’s innovative programming and reputation for showing quality cinema, in addition to your ability to showcase films and filmmakers promoting themes of interfaith and interethnic understanding.
The L.A. Jewish Film Festival and Jewish Journal are honored to recognize you and your team publicly for your continued support of our program and mission and for all that you have succeeded in creating for the greater L.A. community in bringing the best in international cinema to Los Angeles.”
Thank you, Hilary! The honor is ours.
LAEMMLE fans: Would you like to see a new Laemmle theater in Azusa?!
UPDATED 6/3/2016: Azusa City Council to RECONSIDER the Laemmle Theatre Mixed-Use project for Block 36 on Monday, June 6th at 7PM! Click here for details.
ONE FINAL UPDATE: Unfortunately, the Azusa City Council did NOT select our project for Downtown Azusa.
Sincere thanks to everyone who took the time to speak and email. The overwhelming display of public support at the council meeting warmed our little lamb hearts. We appreciate all of you. <3 <3 <3
UPDATE: On Monday, May 16th at 7:30PM the Azusa City Council is scheduled to vote on our proposal to build a new movie theater in Downtown Azusa and we hope you’ll support us by speaking at the meeting! Click here for details.
Our proposal to build a movie theater in Downtown Azusa has been selected as a finalist by the Azusa City Council!
In November, the City of Azusa requested proposals for a mixed use development opportunity on the southeast corner of East Foothill Boulevard and North Azusa Avenue in Downtown Azusa (referred to as “Block 36”). Our project was selected as one of two finalists in this process!
Our proposal includes a five screen movie theater (with programming similar to our Pasadena venue), 108 residential units, retail/restaurant space, and an outdoor plaza. It is estimated that our theater will draw approximately 75,000 people per year to Downtown Azusa.
Public support and outreach for the project and at upcoming City Council meetings is critical. You can help by emailing Azusa Councilmembers in advance so they have written evidence that the community supports this project. Please email them before their next meeting on May 2nd. Here are their email addresses:
Mayor Joseph Romero Rocha – [email protected]
Mayor Pro Tem Angel A. Carrillo – [email protected]
Council Member Edward J. Alvarez – [email protected]
Council Member Robert Gonzales – [email protected]
Council Member Uriel E. Macias – [email protected]
City Manager Troy Butzlaff – [email protected]
Thanks for your support!
Viva La Raza: A Celebration of Latino Culture on the Big Screen Every Throwback Thursday in May
Join Laemmle and Eat|See|Hear for Viva La Raza, a month-long celebration of Latino culture on the big screen every Throwback Thursday (#TBT) in May at the NoHo 7 in North Hollywood! Many of these films did not receive the attention they deserved when first released. We’re excited to have the opportunity to shine a light on these movies and the culture they represent.
Acompaña a Laemmle y a Eat|See|Hear para Viva La Raza, una celebración de La Cultura Latina en la pantalla grande cada Jueves del mes de Mayo que es parte del programa Throwback Thursday (#TBT) en el cine NoHo 7 en North Hollywood! Muchas de estas películas no recibieron la atención merecida cuando primero estrenaron. Estamos emocionados de tener la oportunidad de enfocar y celebrar la cultura que estás películas representan.
Viva La Raza kicks off with SELENA! This biopic concentrates on Selena’s relationship with her family and her rise to fame, dealing only briefly with her tragic death. Selena Quintanilla was a major figure in Tejano music, a Grammy-winning recording artist, a beloved star in the American Southwest and Mexico, and seemed poised to cross over into mainstream popularity on the U.S. pop charts when she was murdered on March 31, 1995 by the president of her fan club. SELENA was produced with the participation of the Quintanilla Family (Abraham was executive producer), and Selena’s own recordings were used on the soundtrack. Click here to buy tickets. And don’t forget to dress to impress!
¡Viva La Raza se inicia con Selena! Esta película biográfica se centra en la relación entre Selena y su familia y en su esencia a la fama, tratándose sólo brevemente en la trágica muerte de la artista. Selena Quintanilla fue una figura importante en la música Tejana, artista ganadora del Premio Grammy, querida en el Suroeste de los Estados Unidos y en México, la artista apunto de cruzar su carrera a las listas de éxitos en los Estados Unidos fue asesinada en 31 de Marzo de 1995 por su propia presidente de club de fans. SELENA fue producida con la participación de la familia Quintanilla (Abraham fue productor ejecutivo), y las grabaciones originales de Selena fueron utilizadas en la banda sonora. Pulsa aquí para comprar tus boletos. ¡Y no se te olvide vestirte para impresionar!
When accidentally caught up in an Immigration Department raid, an American-born Hispanic is “returned” to Mexico. Speaking virtually no Spanish, he is reduced to working a variety of jobs for a crooked saloon owner to make the money to pay for his “illegal immigration” back into the United States. BORN IN EAST L.A. was written and directed by Cheech Marin. In addition to Marin, the film also stars Daniel Stern, Jan-Michael Vincent, Kamala Lopez, and Paul Rodriguez. Click here to buy tickets.
Detenido (o Capturado) por el Departamento de Inmigración, un Hispano nacido en Estados Unidos es accidentalmente “devuelto” a México. Prácticamente sin poder hablar nada de Español tiene que hacer una variedad de puestos de trabajos para el propietario torcido de un salón para poder ganar dinero y pagar por su viaje de regreso “ilegal” a los Estados Unidos. Born in east L.A. fue escrita y dirigida por Cheech Marin. Además de Marin, la película también protagonizada por Daniel Stern, Jan-Michael Vincent, Kamala Lopez, y Paul Rodriguez. Pulsa aquí para comprar boletos.
Featuring Jennifer Lopez in her first major big-screen role, Gregory Nava’s MI FAMILIA traces three generations of the Sanchez’s, a Mexican-American family living in East Los Angeles. Beginning in the 1930s, the film outlines the struggles faced by a recently immigrated married couple raising a family. Focus shifts to their son as he starts his own family in the 1960s. While Lopez’ role was uncredited, she was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for her performance. Mi Familia has also been released under the titles My Family, Mi Familia, Cafe con Leche, and East L.A. Click here to buy tickets.
Presentando la película que puso a Jennifer López en la pantalla grande por primera vez, MI FAMILA por Gregory Nava, tres generaciones de la familia Sánchez, una familia Mexicana-Americana quien vive en el Este de Los Ángeles. Empezamos en los 1930s, la película nos enseña los esfuerzos de la pareja recién emigrada quienes tratan de crear una familia. El enfoque cambia a su hijo quien empieza su propia familia en los 1960s. Aunque el papel de López fue sin acreditar ella fue nominada por un premio Independent Spirit por su actuación. Mi Familia también ha sido publicada bajo los títulos My Family, Mi Familia, Café con Leche y East L.A. Pulsa aquí para comprar boletos.
Edward J. Olmos made his directorial bow with the powerhouse crime saga AMERICAN ME. Olmos stars as street-gang leader Santana, who during his 18 years in the infamous Folsom Prison rules over all the drug-and-murder activities behind bars. Upon his release, Santana goes back to his old neighborhood, intending to lead a peaceful, crime-free life. But his old gang buddies force him back into his old habits. Olmos shot the Folsom sequences on location, using actual prisoners as extras and bit players. Click here to buy tickets.
Edward J. Olmos hizo su arco a director con fuerza motriz con la saga de crimen AMERICAN ME. Olmos protagonista como Santana, líder de una pandilla callejera quien durante sus 18 años en la prisión de Folsom gobierna sobre todas las actividades de drogas y asesinatos en la prisión. Ya liberado, Santana regresa a su viejo barrio, con la intención de vivir una vida tranquila, libre del crimen. Pero sus viejos amigos pandilleros le obligan regresar a sus hábitos pasados. Olmos filmo escenas en Folsom usando prisioneros como extras y también como actores secundarios. Pulsa aquí para comprar boletos.
OUR LAST TANGO opens Friday in Santa Monica and Pasadena! Enter to win the Soundtrack on CD!
OUR LAST TANGO is a story of love between the two most famous dancers in tango’s history. And the story of their tremendous love of tango. María Nieves Rego (81) and Juan Carlos Copes (84) met when they were 14 and 17, and they danced together for nearly fifty years.
In OUR LAST TANGO Juan and María tell their story to a group of young tango dancers and choreographers from Buenos Aires, who transform the most beautiful, moving and dramatic moments of Juan and Maria’s lives into incredible tango-choreographies.
OUR LAST TANGO opens Friday, April 22nd at the Monica Film Center in Santa Monica and the Playhouse 7 in Pasadena.
Enter to Win the Soundtrack
The film’s soundtrack features original music by Luis Borda, Sexteto Mayor and Gerd Baumann. We’re giving away three soundtrack CDs! Enter to win using the form below!
OUR LAST TANGO CD Soundtrack Giveaway
Spanish Director Alex de la Iglesia in Person for Q&A’s after EL CRIMEN PERFECTO and MI GRAN NOCHE
Filmmaker Alex de la Iglesia will participate in Q&A’s after the 7:30 PM screening of A PERFECT CRIME at Ahrya Fine Arts in Beverly Hills on 4/13 and after the 4:30 PM screening of his new release MY BIG NIGHT at the Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills on 4/16.
MY BIG NIGHT [Mi Gran Noche] is an audaciously inventive ensemble comedy brimming with showbiz satire that received four GOYA nominations. It opens April 15th at the Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills and the Playhouse 7 in Pasadena. Click here for tickets.
THE PERFECT CRIME [El Crimen Perfecto or Crimen Ferpecto] is De la Iglesia’s 2004 black comedy set in an upscale department store in Madrid. It screens at 7:30PM on April 13th at the Ahrya Fine Arts in Beverly Hills, NoHo 7 in North Hollywood, and Playhouse 7 in Pasadena. Click here for tickets.
SCI-FI WEEKEND: Re-visit the Golden Age of Science Fiction with Six Classic Films April 15-17 at the Ahrya Fine Arts
Re-visit the Golden Age of the Science Fiction Film as Laemmle Theatres and the Anniversary Classics Series presents SCI-FI WEEKEND, a festival of six classic films April 15-17 at the Ahrya Fine Arts in Beverly Hills.
It was dawn of the Atomic Age and the Cold War, as Communist and nuclear war paranoia swept onto the nation’s movie screens to both terrify and entertain the American public. All the favorite icons are here: Robby the Robot from FORBIDDEN PLANET, the pod people from INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, the blood-seeking creature from THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD, and so much more.
Date | Title | Tickets |
04/15 at 7:30PM | THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951) | Available |
04/16 at 2:30PM | THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD (1951) | Available |
04/16 at 5:00PM | WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE (1951) | Available |
04/16 at 7:30PM | INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1956) | Available |
04/17 at 2:30PM | FORBIDDEN PLANET (1956) | Available |
04/17 at 5:00PM | FANTASTIC VOYAGE (1966) | Available |
Tickets for individual shows are available NOW on & at the Ahrya Fine Arts box office:
- Single film Ticket: $13
- Premiere Card Holders (Single Ticket): $12
Anniversary Classics Sci-Fi Weekend Ticket Specials (Available only at Box Office):
- 6 Admissions for $48 (For any Sci-Fi Weekend Film 4/15-4/17)
- Saturday Triple Bill: $30 (Ticket to 3 Saturday 4/16 films)
- Sunday Double Feature: $20 (Ticket to 2 Sunday 4/17 films)
THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951) – 65th Anniversary
“Klaatu barada nikto”: One of the most famous phrases in all science fiction was first uttered in The Day the Earth Stood Still, which cast its spell over audiences in September 1951, in the early years of the Cold War and Atomic Age. This tale of a humanoid alien visitor (Michael Rennie), with a message and ultimatum for the human race, was directed by Robert Wise from a screenplay by Edmund H. North, and featured a memorably eerie score by Bernard Herrmann. Also starring Patricia Neal, Hugh Marlowe, and our special guest, Billy Gray, the only survivor of the cast and crew. Gray, who is also well known for his role in the classic 1950s sitcom Father Knows Best, will appear at the 65th anniversary screening on opening night of the Anniversary Classics Sci Fi Weekend, April 15-17. (April 15 at 7:30 PM) [Read more…]
Q&A with Pulitzer Prize-Winning Food Critic Jonathan Gold Sunday, March 27 in Pasadena
MORE Q&A’s ADDED: CITY OF GOLD filmmaker Laura Gabbert and subject Jonathan Gold will participate in Q&A’s following the 7:40 PM screening at the Monica Film Center in Santa Monica on Saturday, April 9 and after the 5:20 PM screening at the Playhouse 7 in Pasadena on Sunday, April 10.
Pulitzer Prize-winning food critic Jonathan Gold will participate in a Q&A following the 5:30PM screening of CITY OF GOLD on Sunday, March 27 at the Playhouse 7 in Pasadena.
Last week we highlighted a few restaurants on Jonathan Gold’s list of 101 best that are near your local Laemmle. Check it out here.
CITY OF GOLD is now playing at the Playhouse 7 in Pasadena and Town Center in Encino. It opens March 25th at the Monica Film Center in Santa Monica and April 1 at the NoHo 7 in North Hollywood.
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