We’ll be opening UNCERTAIN TERMS, the terrific new film from rising American independent director Nathan Silver this Friday at the Music Hall. The story follows Robbie (David Dahlbom), who, after catching his wife with another guy, flees Brooklyn for the countryside to stay with his neurotic aunt. She runs a home for pregnant teenagers and as the only man in the house, Robbie inadvertently becomes the object of the girls’ attention… and affection. He eventually meets Nina, (India Menuez) who is mature beyond her age and struggling with relationship troubles of her own. The more Robbie and Nina get to know each other, the more “complicated” their friendship becomes. In his Village Voice review, Alan Scherstuhl described UNCERTAIN TERMS as “brisk, brief, well acted, smartly crafted, and shrewdly judged…[the director] does nothing less than put on the screen life as it’s lived.”
UNCERTAIN TERMS writer-producer Chloe Domont and producer Josh Mandel will introduce the 10 PM screenings at the Music Hall on Friday and Saturday, June 5 and 6.