THE ROOM director/star Tommy Wiseau and co-star Greg Sestero in person at the NoHo 7 June 28 and 29 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this midnight movie phenomenon.
by Lamb L.
THE ROOM director/star Tommy Wiseau and co-star Greg Sestero in person at the NoHo 7 June 28 and 29 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this midnight movie phenomenon.
by Lamb L.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAY APPLY director Cullen Hoback will participate in a Q&A after the first evening screening at the NoHo on Friday, July 19.
by Lamb L.
SOME GIRL(S) filmmaker Daisy von Scherler Mayer will participate in a Q&A after the 7:40 PM screening at the NoHo 7 on Friday, June 28.
by Lamb L.
Ms. Tippi Hedren will welcome the audience to the 7:40 PM screening of L.A. SUPERHEROES: ILLEGAL IN HOLLYWOOD on Friday, June 21st. Ms. Hedren was honored recently in Washington D.C. and at the United Nations as a “Woman of Vision” for her efforts to support Vietnamese immigrants and as the “Godmother of the Vietnamese Nail Industry.”
by Lamb L.
AIN’T IN IT FOR MY HEALTH: A FILM ABOUT LEVON HELM director Jacob Hatley and producer Mary Posatko will participate in a Q&A after the 7:50 PM screening at the NoHo on Friday, June 14.
by Lamb L.
THE GIRLS IN THE BAND filmmaker Judy Chaikin will participate in Q&A’s after the 7:40 PM screenings at the NoHo 7 Monday 6/10 through Thursday 6/13.
by Lamb L.
Q&A’s with THE ROOM director/star Tommy Wiseau and co-star Greg Sestero June 28 and 29 at the NoHo 7. Buy your tickets now.
by Lamb L.
FREE SAMPLES director Jay Gammill will participate in Q&A after the 7:40 screening Saturday night at the NoHo.