THE GILLIGAN MANIFESTO Q&A with filmmaker Cevin Soling and Dawn Wells (Mary Ann) following the 7:20 pm show on Friday, 11/16.
by Lamb L.
THE GILLIGAN MANIFESTO Q&A with filmmaker Cevin Soling and Dawn Wells (Mary Ann) following the 7:20 pm show on Friday, 11/16.
by Lamb L.
FAMILY IN TRANSITION filmmaker Ofir Trainin along with Amit and Yuval Tsuk will participate Q&A’s after the 5:20 pm and 9:45 pm shows on Friday, 11/16 and on Saturday, 11/17 after the 1:00 pm and 3:10 pm shows.
by Lamb L.
PHILOSOPHER KING filmmaker Hideto Sonod will participate in a Q&A following the 7:20 pm show on Friday, 11/9 and Saturday, 11/10.
by Lamb L.
THE DIVIDE director/star Perry King will participate in a Q&A following the 7:00 pm show on Friday, 11/9.
by Lamb L.
A LONG ROAD TO FREEDOM: THE ADVOCATE CELEBRATES 50 YEARS filmmakers Billy Clift and David Millbern will participate in a Q&A following the 7:00 pm show on Tuesday, 11/13.
by Lamb L.
MASTER Grandmaster Zhou Ting and director Dastan Khalili will participate in a Q&A after the 7:30 PM show on Wednesday, 11/28.
by Lamb L.
TRUST MACHINE Q&A following the 7:30 PM show on Friday, 11/16, 3:10 PM shows on Saturday, 11/17 and Sunday, 11/18 at the Monica Film Center.
Q&A participants are:
Alex Winter, Director
Geoff Clark and Kim Jackson, Producers
Michalakis Spyridon, Quantum Physicist Professor, Caltech University
Mark Jeffrey, CEO & Co-Founder at Guardian Circle
Tor Ekeland, Lawyer Lauri Love
Moderated by Jeremy Kay.
by Lamb L.
HORN FROM THE HEART: THE PAUL BUTTERFIELD STORY Q&A’s after the 7:30 PM shows 11/2 – 11/4 at the Playhouse, and following the 7:30 PM shows at the Noho 7 on Monday, 11/5 and at the Monica Film Center on Tuesday, 11/6.
11/2 Director John Anderson
11/3 Musician Steve Madaio and director John Anderson
11/4 Director John Anderson
NoHo 7:
11/5 Musician Jim Kweskin, Kathy Butterfield and director John Anderson
Monica Film Center:
11/6 Director John Anderson