For MORE THAN HONEY fans, go here to read the Pesticide Action Network’s one pager on the neonicotinoid issue and learn how to take action.
KPFK’s Sonali Kolhatkar Interviews the MORE THAN HONEY filmmaker
KPFK’s Sonali Kolhatkar interviewed MORE THAN HONEY filmmaker Markus Imhoof this morning on her program Uprising! You can listen here.
Rave New York Times Review of NICKY’S FAMILY
Yesterday the Gray Lady published a short, potent rave review of NICKY’S FAMILY, calling in “enthralling.”
L.A. Times on NICKY’S FAMILY: “A lifesaver for Jewish kids in occupied Czechoslovakia.”
We’re very pleased to open NICKY’S FAMILY July 19. Today the L.A. Times published a piece about Sir Nicholas Winton, a very modest hero whose life-saving accomplishments went unacknowledged for decades: “Winton said he didn’t talk about his accomplishments because ‘there were more important things going on than to dwell in the past.'”

N.Y. Times interview with Mads Mikkelsen of THE HUNT

We’re very pleased to open THE HUNT July 12 at the Royal and Playhouse and July 19 at the Town Center. The terrific Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen won the Best Actor award for this role at the Cannes Film Festival last year. The New York Times just published this rather funny short interview with him.
Q and A with Soko, star of AUGUSTINE
AUGUSTINE star Soko will participate in a Q&A after the 7:20 screening tonight, May 17 at the Royal Theatre.
High praise for Patrick Wang’s IN THE FAMILY
Many small but great films rely on critics and audiences to create buzz instead of marketing budgets. If you want to support independent cinema make your way to the Monicas this weekend for an exclusive engagement of the self-distributed and highly praised IN THE FAMILY.
“…Mr. Wang’s slow-reveal psychological drama isn’t just a showcase for his excellent ensemble cast. Beautifully modulated and stylistically sui generis, “In the Family” is also one of the most accomplished and undersold directorial debuts this year.” – Paul Brunick, New York Times
“I was completely absorbed from beginning to end. What a courageous first feature this is, a film that sidesteps shopworn stereotypes and tells a quiet, firm, deeply humanist story about doing the right thing. It is a film that avoids any message or statement and simply shows us, with infinite sympathy, how the life of a completely original character can help us lead our own.” – Four stars, Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
IN THE FAMILY starts Friday, May 4 at the Monicas in Santa Monica. Actor/writer/director Patrick Wang and actor Trevor St. John will participate in a Q&A after the 8:30 screening on Friday, May 4. Trevor St. John and crew from the film will do the same after the 1 PM screening on Saturday, May 5.
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