WE THE PARENTS director James Takata and producer Jennifer Walsh Takata will participate in Q&A’s after the 6 PM screenings at the Music Hall on August 16, 17 and 22.
by Lamb L.
WE THE PARENTS director James Takata and producer Jennifer Walsh Takata will participate in Q&A’s after the 6 PM screenings at the Music Hall on August 16, 17 and 22.
by Lamb L.
Former lightweight boxing champion Ray ‘Boom Boom’ Mancini will participate in a Q&A following the 7:30PM screening of THE GOOD SON: THE LIFE OF RAY ‘BOOM BOOM’ MANCINI tonight at the Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills.
by Lamb L.
Rescued ‘Winton Child” Dave Lux shares his moving and inspiring story as one of 669 children saved by Sir Nicholas Winton with Beverly Hills audiences this Sunday, August 11th, after the 5:00pm showing of NICKY’S FAMILY at the Music Hall 3.
by Lamb L.
MORE THAN HONEY director Markus Imhoof and L.A. beekeeper Susan Rudnicki will participate in Q&A’s following the 7:40 PM screenings on Friday, August 9 and Saturday, August 10 at the Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills.
Oscar-nominated director Markus Imhoof tackles the vexing issue of why bees, worldwide, are facing extinction. With the tenacity of a man out to solve a world-class mystery, he investigates this global phenomenon, from California to Switzerland, China and Australia.
Susan Rudnicki educates on honeybee issues for the beekeeping group BackwardsBeekeepers.
View the trailer at www.morethanhoneyfilm.com.
by Lamb L.
WHEN COMEDY WENT TO SCHOOL filmmakers and special guests will participate in Q&A’s at the Music Hall 3 in Beverly Hills and at the Town Center in Encino.
by Lamb L.
‘Winton Child” Dave Lux will share his story as one of the 669 children rescued by Sir Nicholas Winton on Sunday (8/4), following the 4:40PM screening of NICK’S FAMILY at the Royal Theatre in West LA.
by Lamb L.
The DRIFT filmmakers Ben Nott and Morgan O’Neill will participate in a Q&A after the 7:10 screening at the Monica on Friday, August 2.
by Lamb L.
RISING FROM ASHES producer Greg Kwedar will participate in Q&A’s after the 7:30 and 9:45 screenings on Saturday, August 3 and after the 5:20 and 7:30 screenings on Sunday, August 4 at the Royal Theater.