After a two year hiatus, we are pleased to announce the return of a tradition we began in 2008, Christmas Eve Sing-along FIDDLER ON THE ROOF screenings. We’re showing the classic musical at our Newhall, Pasadena, West L.A. and North Hollywood theaters, so you don’t even have to venture too far from your shtetl. For safety’s sake, we’ll have reserved seating, one-seat lateral spacing between parties, reduced capacity, and we’ll all sing with our masks on. Song lyrics on screen, in case you don’t know ’em by heart.

Belt out your holiday spirit … or your holiday frustrations. Either way, you’ll feel better as you croon along to all-time favorites like “TRADITION,” “IF I WERE A RICH MAN,” “TO LIFE,” “SUNRISE SUNSET,” “DO YOU LOVE ME?” and “ANATEVKA,” among many others.
We encourage you to come in costume! Guaranteed fun for all. Children are welcome (FIDDLER is rated “G”) though some themes may be challenging for young children.

In discussing the return of FIDDLER this year, Greg Laemmle asks everyone who is buying tickets to consider the teaching from the Talmud (Shevuot 39A), “All Israel is responsible for one another.” There are things we can do (voluntarily, and without mandate) to make these screenings safer. Wear your mask while singing. Get vaccinated, and if already vaccinated, get a booster shot. Make sure you are feeling healthy before venturing out into public. And consider taking a home test before the screening. COVID-19 is real. There are things we can do as a community, however, to show care and concern for the health and well being of one another. We do not diminish our individual rights by acknowledging our communal responsibility. To paraphrase a favorite aphorism from Pirkei Avot, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not at this year’s FIDDLER ON THE ROOF Sing-a-Long, then when?”

I cannot order today, because you systems will not allow it. What do I do?