It’s time again for CicLAvia, returning to its justly popular Wilshire Boulevard route this Sunday from 9 AM to 4 PM. Mosey down Gaylord Wilshire’s namesake on foot or bicycle, skateboard or roller-skates, anything that relies entirely on your muscles for locomotion. There is so much to enjoy — including the weather; the forecast is for sunny skies and temperatures in the high seventies — but we’ll focus on just two here: this Sunday the historic and beautiful Wilshire Boulevard Temple, which is right on the CicLAvia route on Wilshire between Hobart and Harvard, will be open to the public for tours! They will be open from 10 AM to 3 PM with information for self-guided tours and will provide two guided tours at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Even better, they will have a bike valet as well so you don’t have to sweat locking up your bike.
Second, the Temple is in Koreatown, and what else is in Koreatown? Just the best Korean cuisine outside of mainland Korea. There are a panoply of excellent choices, but we’ll point out two: Soot Bull Jeep is two blocks south of Wilshire at 3136 West 8th Street and Ham Ji Park is one block north at 3407 West 6th Street. Arrive hungry! For a stiff drink in an authentic bar, the HMS Bounty, just off the lobby of the Gaylord [Wilshire] Hotel, is right in the middle of everything at 3357 Wilshire.

What’s more, the forecast is sunny and high seventies, so enjoy!