This week’s Throwback Thursday selection is BATTLE ROYALE! An underground hit that anticipated The Hunger Games novels by eight years, veteran director Fukasaku’s epically violent, still-controversial and deeply influential genre masterpiece takes place in a dystopian alternate universe. In the near future, the economy has collapsed, unemployment has soared and juvenile crime has exploded. Fearful of its nation’s youth, the Japanese government passes the BR Law: Each year, a 9th grade class is sent to a remote island where they will be locked into exploding neck collars, given a random weapon, and forced to hunt and kill each other until there is only one survivor left. Battle Royale follows one such class, with an ice-cold performance from Takeski Kitano as the group’s teacher.

Purchase tickets before Thursday and pay only $5! Regular price is $11.
BATTLE ROYALE screens at 7:30PM on 11/19 at the Laemmle NoHo 7 and is part of our THROWBACK THURSDAY series in partnership with Eat|See|Hear. For upcoming screenings, visit:
Upcoming #TBT screenings include ROCKY IV, GREMLINS, SPACEBALLS and more. Click here for the schedule.
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RT @Lamb L.: #BattleRoyale with @EatSeeHear + @timeoutla Thursday, 11/19 at 7:30PM in #NoHo! Info: #tbt https://t.c…
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#BattleRoyale with @EatSeeHear + @timeoutla Thursday, 11/19 at 7:30PM in #NoHo! Info: #tbt
RT @Lamb L.: #BattleRoyale with @EatSeeHear + @timeoutla Thursday, 11/19 at 7:30PM in #NoHo! Info: #tbt https://t.c…
RT @Lamb L.: #BattleRoyale with @EatSeeHear + @timeoutla Thursday, 11/19 at 7:30PM in #NoHo! Info: #tbt https://t.c…
RT @Lamb L.: #BattleRoyale with @EatSeeHear + @timeoutla Thursday, 11/19 at 7:30PM in #NoHo! Info: #tbt https://t.c…