Have you seen the Climate Ride promo we are currently running in our theaters? Want to support, but don’t care for KIND Bars or coconut water? Well, if you like beer and/or really cool buildings instead, here’s your chance. 

The team LACBC (L.A. County Bicycle Coalition) Climate Ride party will be at Angel City Brewery on this Sunday, April 12 between 5:00 and 8:00. No prior donation is required. Come enjoy a beer and a variety of good food truck cuisine. Meet members of the team. Make a donation to any team member in advance and you could earn incentives like raffle tickets and drink vouchers. Or just buy a raffle ticket at the event. Cool prizes.
In case you need even more incentive, L.A. history buffs will note that Angel City Brewery is housed in the former manufacturing site for the John A. Roebling Company. Mr. Roebling was the man who made the cables for the Brooklyn Bridge. Also the Slinky. It’s a cool place and a survivor of our city’s unfortunate tendency to demolish its own history.